Pullman, Wash. – Matt Stichter, Washington State University associate professor of philosophy will speak on “The Ethics of Punishment” on Tuesday, Feb. 9 at 5 p.m. in CUE 203. This lecture is free and open to the public, hosted by the WSU Common Reading Program.
Stichter says that, Bryan Stevenson, author of the 2015-16 Common Reading book, “Just Mercy” makes a powerful case for reforming our criminal justice system. Is his call for just mercy compatible with our justifications for punishment? To answer this, Stichter will discuss several theories of punishment which lie at the intersection of ethical theory and the philosophy of law. Despite the differences between these theories, all can provide support for radical reforms of our punitive practices, he said.
The WSU Common Reading Program hosts lectures, film showings, and other events that explore the topics raised in each year’s chosen book. Since 2006, the common reading has stimulated academic discussions in first-year courses, classrooms, and beyond.